Excel & Neo4j? Let’s code that! (VSTO edition)
So you have a new Graph Database, it’s looking snazzy and graphy and all that, but, well – you really want to see it in a tabular format, ‘cos you’ve got this Excel program hanging…
So you have a new Graph Database, it’s looking snazzy and graphy and all that, but, well – you really want to see it in a tabular format, ‘cos you’ve got this Excel program hanging…
In the old days, Neo4j used to come with an .exe to install/run it, personally I’ve never used it, as it was (in my view) awkward to find all the file locations, so I’ve always…
There’s an excellent post by Cédric Charlier over at his blog about hooking Neo4j into PowerBI. It’s simple to follow and get’s you up and running, but I (as a PowerBI newbie) had a couple…
I’m a .NET developer and I have been for about 13 years or so now, predominantly in C#, but I originally (in my university days) started off programming in Java. Now, I’ve not touched Java…
I’m currently in the process of moving my blog from it’s old home of geekswithblogs to this new location, so please bear with me. I’ll be putting new posts here, and migrating my older ones…
So you might have noticed in the Azure market place you can install an HA instance of Neo4j – Awesomeballs! But what about if you want a Causal cluster? Hello Manual Operation! Let’s start with…
Originally posted on: http://geekswithblogs.net/cskardon/archive/2017/02/22/migrating-from-nunit-to-xunitndashsetupfixture-fun.aspx So I was limited to a specific version of NUnit for various reasons, and needed to start being able to run ‘core’ tests, so I migrated to XUnit. Generally not a…
Originally posted on: http://geekswithblogs.net/cskardon/archive/2016/09/16/dotnettersndashitrsquos-time-to-graph-up.aspx I recently wrote an article with Michael Hunger (of Neo4j) about getting your .NET on with Neo4j – http://thenewstack.io/graph-database-neo4j-net-client/ – it’s time guys, it really is time!
Originally posted on: http://geekswithblogs.net/cskardon/archive/2016/01/08/browserstack-visual-studio-2015-extension.aspx Do you find that you want browserstack but once again, the extension lets you down by not installing into VS2015. Worry not! As with VS2013 (that I wrote about here) it’s…
Originally posted on: http://geekswithblogs.net/cskardon/archive/2015/12/03/the-three-stages-of-my-database-choice.aspx Prologue I write and run a website called Tournr, a site to help people run competitions, it helps them organise and register for competitions, keeping the scores online and taking some…