New Header!

By Charlotte

Huzzah! I’ve utilised all my artistic skills and whomped a new header to the site! I’m sure you’ll agree it’s pretty spiffy 🙂

Managed Application Framework – Part 1 – The Beginnings!

By Charlotte

Last week I was tasked with developing a new App for the guys I work with, (not a developers app you understand, but for actual normal users!!! Luckily it puts me smack bang where I work best – developing functional, extendable (and most importantly) Windows based apps. I’m now officially in my comfort zone! The…


By Charlotte

Not a development post (in the true meaning of the word :)) but more about a website I found a few days ago… – I spend my coding time listening to music, it’s how I work and particularly with the distractions of an office with other people, it’s often the only way to ‘zone…

Ternary operators don’t work with nullable value types?

By Charlotte

I’ve got the following situation: DateTime? myDt = (DateTime) row[“Column”]; This fails when retrieving a DBNull value, so we check for that: DateTime? myDT = (row[“Column”] == DBNull.Value) ? null : (DateTime) row[“Column”]; This won’t compile, however doing: DateTime? myDT; if(row[“Column”] == DBNull.Value) myDT = null; else myDT = row[“Column”]; works fine, now, I realise…

Missing format specifier.

By Charlotte

I’ve been practicing my F# recently – I took a gap for a little bit, and just got back into it. I’ve been working through my ‘Foundations of F#’ book, and have hit a slight snag. There is one line of code I can’t get to compile, I get the ‘Missing format specifier.’ error for…

Setting up TeamCity…

By Charlotte

I’m gradually in the process of shifting our CruiseControl based CI service to use JetBrain’s TeamCity Professional solution (both are free). The main reason for moving to TeamCity is that whilst CruiseControl worked and did our CI adequately, TeamCity provided more bang for your buck (and when the buck is 0, it’s win-win). TC is…

Invoking UI Changes in WPF

By Charlotte

Again another reminder, in WinForms I would have done: private delegate void UpdateUiTextDelegate(Control control, string text); private void UpdateUiText(Control control, string text) { if(InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new UpdateUiTextDelegate(UpdateUiText), new object[] {control, text}); return; } control.Text = text; } Using the same delegate we need to use the Dispatcher.Invoke method – this is (as far as I’m…

Enabling / Disabling buttons in WPF

By Charlotte

I’m really only putting this in to remind myself — having come from a WinForms background, I’m used to: _btnOK.Enabled = false; but in WPF this is: _btnOK.IsEnabled = false; For some reason I (without fail) forget this!