Quicky re: Resharper and .NET 3.0 – CTRL+8 = Friend

By Charlotte

Reshaper 3.x doesn’t support .net 3.0 constructs – so things like ‘var’ and the LINQ extensions (where, etc) just turn up as red squigglies. Version 4 of Resharper will support the constructs, but as the EAP versions of Resharper aren’t even on version 4 we’re probably a little way off. So for now – rather…

Production LINQ!

By Charlotte

I’m happy today as I’ve written my first bit of Production LINQ code in the form of LINQ-to-XML. It’s not the most complicated bit of code – only a grabbing of data from a file, but it does do what it says on the tin – uses C# 3.0 and (unfortunately) causes Resharper to complain…