Using Neo4j.Driver? Now you can EXTEND it!

By Charlotte

Hot on the heels of Neo4jClient 4.0.0, I was doing some work with the Neo4j.Driver (the official client for Neo4j), and in doing so, I realised I was writing a lot of boiler plate code. So I started adding extension methods to help me, and as my extension methods became more involved, I moved them…

Neo4jClient 4.0

By Charlotte

After what probably seems like ages to you (and indeed me) Neo4jClient 4.0 has finally left the pre-release stages and is now in a stable release. Being a major version change, that means there are breaking changes, and you should be in the process of testing stuff before you just use it. Having said that,…

Neo4j 4.0 is around the corner and I want to use SSIS with it. Can I?

By Charlotte

Yes! That’s the TL;DR; out of the way 🙂 The slightly longer version is that you need to use the version of the Neo4j SSIS Components. This is the main change to the components for – there are a couple of things tidied up and hopefully a smoother experience with the syntax highlighting…

Neo4j – SSIS – Connection Manager Love

By Charlotte

I’ve not written about the SSIS components for a bit, but I have been working on them – adding things, improving things. One area that was always very basic was the Connection interface. Or lack thereof – indeed the interface was basically just the properties pane of Visual Studio – mmmm Functional. Now though, you…

Neo4j & NiFi – Getting NiFi Running

By Charlotte

Another day, another ETL tool, this time Apache NiFi which is described as: An easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data. I’ve used SSIS and Kettle in the past, so I figured I’d be able to get this bad boy running easy enough – I mean – it’s ‘easy to…

Reactive Neo4j using .NET

By Charlotte

Version 4.0 of Neo4j is being actively worked on, and aside from the new things in the database itself, the drivers get an update as well – and one of the big updates is the addition of a Reactive way to develop against the DB. Now – I’ve not done reactive programming for a long…

Execute Cypher Task Updates

By Charlotte

Last week, Anabranch released version 1.1 of the tools for Neo4j – which included a very welcome addition to the toolset – being able to pull data from a Neo4j instance. After doing the demo post – I noticed a peculiarity – a quirk if you will with how the ‘Execute Cypher Task’ (see here)…

Using a Data Flow to move data **from** Neo4j in SSIS

By Charlotte

That’s right everyone! We’re going from Neo4j this time, and this is a new release, the old version ( didn’t have a ‘Neo4j as a Source’ component, does. In the last post we took data from a file and ingested it into Neo4j, so far so good – but one of the things we…