Neo4jClient turns 3.0

By Charlotte

Well, version wise anyhow!

This is a pretty big release and is one I’ve been working on for a while now (sorry!). Version 3.0 of the client finally adds support for Bolt. When Neo4j released version 3.0 of their database, they added a new binary protocol called Bolt designed to be faster and easier on the ol’ network traffic.

For all versions of Neo4jClient prior to 3.x you could only access the DB via the REST protocol (side effect – you also had to use the client to access any version of Neo4j prior to 3.x).

I’ve tried my hardest to minimise the disruption that could happen, and I’m pretty happy to have it down to mainly 1 line change (assuming you’re passing an IGraphClient around – you are right??)

So without further ado:

var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data"), "user", "pass");`


var client = new BoltGraphClient(new Uri("bolt://localhost:7687"), "user", "pass");

I’ve gone through a lot of trials with various objects, and I know others have as well (thank you!) but I’m sure there will still be errors – nothing is bug free! So raise an issue – ask on StackOverflow or Twitter 🙂

If you’re using `PathResults` you will need to swap to `BoltPathResults` – the format changed dramatically between the REST version and the Bolt version – and there’s not a lot I can do about it I’m afraid!