Taking CosmosDB and pushing to Neo4j

By Charlotte

TL; DR.The project reads data from a CosmosDB instance, and inserts it into Neo4j – there’s no clever ‘re-modeling’ – just a simple push in. Have a look at the project site for more info! Technology moves fast, and decisions of the past may not be great for solutions of the future, it might be…

Neo4jClient turns 3.0

By Charlotte

Well, version wise anyhow! This is a pretty big release and is one I’ve been working on for a while now (sorry!). Version 3.0 of the client finally adds support for Bolt. When Neo4j released version 3.0 of their database, they added a new binary protocol called Bolt designed to be faster and easier on…

Excel & Neo4j? Let’s code that! (VSTO edition)

By Charlotte

So you have a new Graph Database, it’s looking snazzy and graphy and all that, but, well – you really want to see it in a tabular format, ‘cos you’ve got this Excel program hanging about, and well – who doesn’t love a bit of tabular data? Obviously there are loads of reasons why you…

Writing a Stored Proc in Neo4j for .NET Developers

By Charlotte

I’m a .NET developer and I have been for about 13 years or so now, predominantly in C#, but I originally (in my university days) started off programming in Java. Now, I’ve not touched Java for roughly 13 years, and I’m pretty happy with that situation. 3 years(ish) ago I started using Neo4j – as…

Managed Application Framework – Part 1 – The Beginnings!

By Charlotte

Last week I was tasked with developing a new App for the guys I work with, (not a developers app you understand, but for actual normal users!!! Luckily it puts me smack bang where I work best – developing functional, extendable (and most importantly) Windows based apps. I’m now officially in my comfort zone! The…

WPF – working with designers – will it work?

By Charlotte

One of the main advantages of WPF is that you can write all the backend code and then shunt the design work to a professional designer – you know – one of those guys who thinks that Cyan and Magenta just don’t go together. I’ve been knocking up a couple of WPF apps in the…

Consolas!!! GRRRRRR

By Charlotte

Why oh why does everyone and their Dad now use Consolas??? Am I the only one that perceives the font as ‘fuzzy’? I’ve read quite a few blogs recently loving the Consolas font such as Coding Horror, and as far as I’m aware – it was made to be a programmers font. But in the…